Главная » Статьи » летописи » 2008

Обращение в NASA (английская версия)
Copies are directed:
To the president of the Russian Federation to V.V.Putin,
to Administration of the President of the Russian Federation ,
to Administration of the Kemerovo area.

Dear employees of NASА !

     Employees of Novokuznetsk of city public organisation «Cultural-educational League «Rose World» address you.
     We address to you under the recommendation of Administration of the Kemerovo area, the assistant of the Governor of the Kemerovo area of mister Muraveva S.A. The recommendation has been given us after repeated references on «the Straight line with the President of the Russian Federation », to the Reception of the President of the Russian Federation V.V.Putin, to heads of scientific research institutes of Russia .
     We are informed that within the limits of program of N А S А on studying of structure and Universe evolution - Beyond Einstein there is a department which is engaged in unusual space phenomena and displays of Space energy.
     Our organisation carries out the activity throughout 17 years and has the Higher Communication with the Invisible International Government which operates Evolution of our Planet and is in Light Shambhala. E.P.Blavaskoj's, Е . И . and N.K.Rerihov's, D.L.Andreeva's, A.I.Klizovskogo's and scientists-kosmistov's Scientifically-philosophical works are taken as a principle organisation activity.
     The head of League, Trofimova Diana Anatolevna who is Entrusted Hierarchy of Forces of Light, stood at sources of creation of the organisation in 1991 («Spiritually-ethical club« World Rose »). In 1995 she has visited Light Shambhala where Great Lords of the Earth had been opened Secret Knowledge to her and the Plan of Evolutionary development of Russia and the Planet was opened too. Thanking her warm work, mankind the Hierarchy of Forces of Light returns the Symbol of the Bowl of Graal - the Space Magnet, the most powerful tank of Space energy, is capable to change consciousness of people, positively to change thinking and to deduce them on qualitatively new standard of living.
     Thanking her warm work, the Hierarchy of Forces of Light returns the Symbol of the Bowl of Graal to mankind. A symbol of the Bowl of Graal - the Space Magnet, the most powerful tank Space energy, capable to change consciousness of the people, positively to change thinking and to deduce them on qualitatively new standard of living.
     Bowl of Graal is the Synthesis Bowl, the most ancient Relic of mankind, the most sacred treasure in Space and on the Earth. Warm memory has been stored in legends and legends of Knowledge on this Bowl throughout many centuries as about focus of Divine Fiery Space Energy, means of transformation of the lowest human nature, capable to educate his consciousness.
     Bowl of Graal - the Heart Bowl, sacred letters of accumulation of Spirit and Wisdom of centuries. All best spiritual accumulation and achievements of nations of the world were gathered in this Bowl.
     With good reason and all responsibility we employees «Cultural-educational League" Rose-world " can assert that the Symbol of the Bowl of Graal is returned to mankind. Also Russia is awarded by this Mission . In Russia , in the city of Novokuznetsk , a city-smithy of the World of the Earth where the New Consciousness is forged, Fire and Light of the Bowl of Graal has flashed. The certificate of it are pictures and videorecordings of the Bowl of Graal Spacesphere formed in space (sphere of Space Reason) which are stored in organisation archive (to look the site www.LigaRozaMira.narod.ru). Thin-material devices and thin-power are fixed on them occurring in space of Spacesphere. This display is Mental (Space energy-aether) and the person is the carrier of it, first of all.
     We have entered the new to Ayr in which Mental energy of Space of thought is the main creative force changing material processes on the Planet and properties of a terrestrial matter. In Spacesphere Bowls of Graal in the course of merge and a transmutation of psychograins of human thoughts with Space grains of Spirit are born new combinations of the elements, new the energy, changing a life on the Planet. So inspire occurs and transformation of all forms of a life of mankind thanks to formation of a new step of development of consciousness. So occurs одухотворение and transformation of all forms of a life of mankind thanks to formation of a new step of development of consciousness.
     Declaration and acceptance of the Bowl of Graal by people Heart is the next stage of Evolution of our Planet.
     The Shambhala of Light to employees of League grants the Space Right to assert, that with approach of the New Epoch in Evolutionary development of mankind (since 1994 the Planet the Earth was included into number of the Higher Planets of the Universe) through Entrusted Hierarchy of Forces of Light the Hand of the Higher Help is sent the people of Russia and all Planet. Through the Higher Space Knowledge which the head of the organisation owns, and thanking its opened spiritual the centres and the Higher Outer-space communication, it is capable to influence force of the Mental energy natural cataclysms and to prevent acts of nature.
     After numerous references in various public authorities of the Russian Federation with the specific proposals, we were convinced of their unwillingness to hear us and to undertake actions in this direction.

Dear employees of NASA!

     We hope very much, that you will not disregard our reference, and the unique space phenomenon working on all Planetary Space of the Earth, described by us, will interest you, and you will find possibility to begin studying its.

     With respect employees of League.

     The detailed information about activity of League and pictures look on the League site www.LigaRozaMira.narod.ru